yii2-apidoc не устанавливается

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Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 207
Зарегистрирован: 2012.12.20, 09:41
Откуда: Курган

yii2-apidoc не устанавливается

Сообщение bemulima »

Попытка установить yiisoft/yii2-apidoc завершается с ошибкой. Добавляю в конец require:

Код: Выделить всё

"yiisoft/yii2-apidoc": "~2.1.6"
далее делаю composer update

Код: Выделить всё

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - Root composer.json requires codeception/codeception 4.1.18 -> satisfiable by codeception/codeception[4.1.18].
    - Conclusion: don't install phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock 2.0.5 (conflict analysis result)
    - yiisoft/yii2-apidoc[dev-master, 2.1.6] require phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock ^2.0.4 -> satisfiable by phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock[2.0.4, 2.0.5].
    - Conclusion: don't install phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock 2.0.4 (conflict analysis result)
    - yiisoft/yii2-apidoc 2.1.x-dev is an alias of yiisoft/yii2-apidoc dev-master and thus requires it to be installed too.
    - Root composer.json requires yiisoft/yii2-apidoc ~2.1.6 -> satisfiable by yiisoft/yii2-apidoc[2.1.6, 2.1.x-dev (alias of dev-master)].

Use the option --with-all-dependencies (-W) to allow upgrades, downgrades and removals for packages currently locked to specific versions.

Пробовал делать:

Код: Выделить всё

composer update yiisoft/yii2-apidoc cebe/markdown
тогда тоже ошибка происходит:

Код: Выделить всё

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - yiisoft/yii2-apidoc[dev-master, 2.1.6] require phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock ^2.0.4 -> found phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock[2.0.4, 2.0.5] but the package is fixed to 5.x-dev (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
    - yiisoft/yii2-apidoc 2.1.x-dev is an alias of yiisoft/yii2-apidoc dev-master and thus requires it to be installed too.
    - Root composer.json requires yiisoft/yii2-apidoc ~2.1.6 -> satisfiable by yiisoft/yii2-apidoc[2.1.6, 2.1.x-dev (alias of dev-master)].
У меня PHP 8.0.3
вот composer.json:

Код: Выделить всё

  "name": "yii2-starter-kit/yii2-starter-kit",
  "description": "Yii2 Starter Kit Application Template",
  "keywords": [
    "application template",
    "yii2 advanced"
  "minimum-stability": "dev",
  "authors": [
      "name": "Eugene Terentev",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "homepage": "http://terentev.net"
  "type": "project",
  "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
  "support": {
    "issues": "https://github.com/yii2-starter-kit/yii2-starter-kit/issues?state=open",
    "source": "https://github.com/yii2-starter-kit/yii2-starter-kit"
  "require": {
    "php": ">=8.0",
    "ext-intl": "*",
    "yiisoft/yii2": "^2.0.41",
    "yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "^2.0.0",
    "yiisoft/yii2-authclient": "^2.0.0",
    "yiisoft/yii2-jui": "^2.0.0",
    "yii2-starter-kit/yii2-file-kit": "2.0.1",
    "asofter/yii2-imperavi-redactor": ">=0.0.3@dev",
    "trntv/yii2-aceeditor": "^2.0",
    "trntv/probe": "^1.0",
    "trntv/yii2-glide": "^1.2",
    "trntv/yii2-datetime-widget": "dev-master@dev",
    "trntv/cheatsheet": "^0.1@dev",
    "trntv/yii2-command-bus": "^3.0",
    "intervention/image": "^2.1",
    "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^2.0",
    "npm-asset/admin-lte": "^2.0",
    "npm-asset/font-awesome": "^4.0",
    "npm-asset/html5shiv": "^3.0",
    "npm-asset/jquery-slimscroll": "^1.3",
    "npm-asset/flot": "^0.8@alpha",
    "symfony/process": "^4.0",
    "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.0",
    "alexantr/yii2-elfinder": "^1.3",
    "maxmind-db/reader": "~1.0",
    "zelenin/yii2-slug-behavior": "~1.5.1",
    "voskobovich/yii2-linker-behavior": "^4.0",
    "2amigos/yii2-grid-view-library": "~1.0",
    "2amigos/yii2-editable-widget": "~1.0",
    "yiisoft/yii2-elasticsearch": "~2.0.0",
    "2amigos/yii2-gallery-widget": "~1.0",
    "kartik-v/yii2-widget-rating": "*",
    "lesha724/yii2-youtube-widget": "*",
    "alchilyakov/yii2-wishlist": "dev-master",
    "workerman/workerman": "^4.0.19",
    "yiisoft/yii2-sphinx": "^2.0",
    "yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap4": "~1.0.0",
    "tarantool/client": ">=0.9.0",
    "rybakit/msgpack": "^0.8.0",
    "tarantool/mapper": "4.6.13",
    "kartik-v/yii2-widget-typeahead": "dev-master",
    "kartik-v/yii2-widget-select2": "dev-master",
    "la-haute-societe/yii2-save-relations-behavior": "*",
    "2amigos/yii2-ckeditor-widget": "^1.0@dev",
    "kartik-v/yii2-mpdf": "1.0.6",
    "vova07/yii2-console-runner-extension": "*",
    "mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib": "dev-master",
    "kak/clickhouse": "dev-master",
    "bower-asset/bootstrap": "^3.3",
    "ext-json": "*",
    "mpdf/mpdf": "^8.0.10",
    "unclead/yii2-multiple-input": "~2.0",
    "rmrevin/yii2-fontawesome": "^3.7",
    "yiisoft/yii2-apidoc": "~2.1.6"
  "require-dev": {
    "yiisoft/yii2-debug": "^2.1.16",
    "yiisoft/yii2-gii": "^2.2.0",
    "yiisoft/yii2-faker": "^2.0.0",
    "codeception/codeception": "4.1.18",
    "codeception/verify": "^0.3.1"
  "autoload-dev": {
    "psr-4": {
      "tests\\": "tests/"
  "suggest": {
    "trntv/yii2-debug-xhprof": "dev-master@dev"
  "config": {
    "process-timeout": 1800,
    "optimize-autoloader": true
  "repositories": [
      "type": "composer",
      "url": "https://asset-packagist.org"
  "archive": {
    "exclude": ["docs"]
  "scripts": {
    "build:env": [
      "cp .env.dist .env"
    "build:app": [
      "@composer install",
      "console/yii app/setup --interactive=0"
    "docker:build": [
      "docker-compose exec -T app composer run-script build:app",
      "docker-compose run -T --rm webpacker npm i npm@latest -g",
      "docker-compose run -T --rm webpacker npm install",
      "docker-compose run -T --rm webpacker npm run build",
      "echo \"All ok!\""
    "docker:start": [
      "docker-compose up --force-recreate -d"
    "docker:cleanup": [
      "docker-compose rm -fsv"
  "extra": {
    "asset-installer-paths": {
      "npm-asset-library": "vendor/npm",
      "bower-asset-library": "vendor/bower"
  "replace": {
    "npm-asset/bootstrap": ">=4.2.1"

Есть, какой нибудь быстрое решение?
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 207
Зарегистрирован: 2012.12.20, 09:41
Откуда: Курган

Re: yii2-apidoc не устанавливается

Сообщение bemulima »

Я так понимаю, что yii2-apidoc работает только с php 7
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 9489
Зарегистрирован: 2009.04.02, 13:46
Откуда: Воронеж
Контактная информация:

Re: yii2-apidoc не устанавливается

Сообщение samdark »

Да, на восьмёрке пока не заводится.